Discover Why Animated Explainer Videos Suit Non-Profits

Cartoon lion in video player with closed captions

Animated explainer videos are simple, informative, and fun –sure, but why are they a particularly good medium for nonprofits?

Leon cartoon communicating and sharing ideas

Nonprofits have strong but complex ideas that need a good untangling before they are relayed to an audience. Well, what better way to do just that than by using engaging, moving visuals to simplify your cause and make it accessible to a wider range of people?

Lion sharing ideas with another character about video creation

Now, let’s dive deeper into why animated explainer videos are suited for nonprofits.

Connection Is Key

Let me ask you this, have you ever been able to connect to a cause you know nothing about? Or do you go out of your way and research beyond what an organisation advertises?

Lion writing notes on a clipboard

You only have a few seconds to capture your audience’s attention, keep them hooked, and present everything they need to know about your nonprofit. 

Lion sleeping on graph of average audience retention vs video duration

Nowadays, people want things to be quick and straight to the point. While it is important to be concise, you should also present your message in an interesting and engaging way - without sacrificing valuable information. This compels your audience to feel a personal connection or investment in what you’re communicating.


Clarity Is Crucial

Nonprofits are frequently seen as just goody-two-shoes groups, but there's much more to them than meets the eye. Their work encompasses a wide range of diverse and complex activities. This oversimplified view can often distract from the real message and goals they are trying to communicate.

Lion untangling a messy ball of string

It's not accurate to lump all nonprofits together as purely virtuous, especially when they support a variety of different and sometimes conflicting causes. Yet, one thing they share is the need to convey powerful messages effectively. That's where animated nonprofit videos come in – they're the perfect tool for unravelling complex ideas and ensuring these important messages are heard and understood. 

Rocket launching video with likes and clapperboard

We’re not here to just make cheesy imagery depicting different types of people holding hands around the globe. 

People of diverse backgrounds holding hands around a globe, symbolising unity and global collaboration.

We’re here to express your advocacy and ideas beyond that. We’re going to accurately and effectively do so with easy-to-digest nonprofit animations that cover every part of your message.

Explainer Videos Vs. Commercials 

CartoonLion operating a video camera and clapperboard

When people think of promotion, commercials are one of the first things that come to mind. So, why don’t nonprofits primarily use advertisements instead?

First, we know that nonprofits are not out to “sell” or exaggerate empty thoughts such as “a life-changing shampoo”. Even though organisations use all sorts of videos, the substance of their message mustn’t be watered down in the process. After all, it’s not hair that they want to detangle but their ideas.

Cartoon lion tangled in strings

There are meaningful messages behind nonprofits and they should be handled carefully for donors, investors, and viewers to thoroughly understand why they should give their support. There is no need for marketing tactics or deceiving ploys–just a simple and honest unravelling of your advocacy.

Cartoon lion untangling strings

Animated explainer videos are the perfect way to represent nonprofits because they jampack meaningful information in a few short seconds.

How Your Nonprofit Can Benefit From Animated Explainer Videos

Cartoon Lion presenting to business team with charts and graphs

Effective Communication

Because nonprofits have such profound messages, they can easily get lost in translation or be poorly depicted in media. This is bad news for your organisation since you have to create content that the average Joe can easily digest. 

Lion eating spaghetti

So, use a universally understood language: simple animations!

The visuals will engage the viewer and illustrate the need-to-know details in a snap. Think about it, aren’t simple and colourful animations much better to look at and understand than a boring PowerPoint.


Keeps Your Nonprofit Current


Have you taken a look around lately? Everything is digital. It’s virtually impossible to do anything without the internet nowadays. Also, because you can get things in an instant, no one’s going to give up their precious time for boring and lengthy content when they have access to short-form content. 

Lion, elephant, kitten, and man at desks, bored to sleep by dull video content playing on their laptops.

Using animated explainer videos lets your nonprofit adapt to the times and maximise all the digital platforms. It’ll also be easier to take part in online trends that can help raise awareness for your nonprofit.

Tracks Metrics and Progress

Cartoon lion holding golden play button

Explainer videos also benefit your nonprofit internally. Once they’re out and about, you gain access to valuable data that can help improve your organisation’s efforts.

An elephant, kitten and man have an internal discussion

For example, you get feedback from your viewers which will help you understand how to appeal to them better. You also get to keep track of the progress and success of your nonprofit video. Have a read of our blog about Measuring the Success of your Nonprofit Video.

Efficient Networking Tool

There should be no more writing long emails, drafting endless proposals, or absurdly formal business plans in this time of fast transactions.

Hand reaching out from a pile of papers

Nonprofit marketers can now, with just a click, send a concise and informative explainer video to investors, journalists, and volunteers to give them the gist – saving both parties from wasting too much time!

Envelope with a video play button being opened

Let’s You Stick To Your Strengths

You’re good at advocating for your nonprofit and keeping things up and running, and we’re good at untangling organisation’s messages and turning them into fun and simple explainer videos

Lion multitasking with multiple arms holding different items

You barely have to lift a finger after you get your customised nonprofit animation. It’ll do all the work for you, so you can focus your energy on the other aspects of your nonprofit.

Types Of Explainer Videos

Lion sharing ideas with another character about nonprofit video creation

Before you bite the idea of getting a nonprofit video for your organisation, let us give you a quick rundown on the different explainer video types so you have a better idea of which one can work for you:


Your nonprofit might have certain aspects or processes that need to be expounded. Explainer videos take big concepts and boil them down to concise and informative content.

Two puzzle pieces fitting together

Check out our examples that explain Climate Change and Land Value Tax.

How-tos/ FAQs

Three Question Marks

When you need to deliver simple instructions or enumerate a process step-by-step, then a how-to explainer video will do the trick. On the other hand, when you want to address common questions concisely, you can opt for an FAQ format. Here’s an explainer we made for a hospital waiting room and video appointments.


Magnifying Glass on Engagement metrics

Infographics turn blocks of information into visually appealing bite-sized chunks to not only make it easier for the viewer to understand but also to remember key points by emphasizing them with graphics. 

Most of the videos we make involve some infographic scenes, take a look at what we created to help illustrate Migrants' Debts in West and Central Africa.


Cartoon Lion professor teaching cats math and science formulas

Lastly, nonprofits also use eLearning videos to address questions, give any needed explanation, or promote online training courses. For example, here’s one that we did that introduces IOM’s Diaspora Mapping Toolkit

Now that you’re acquainted with different kinds of explainer videos, you can make a well-informed decision about which will best suit your cause. 

Why Explainer Videos Are Worth The Money

Exceptional animated explainer videos are going to cost a pretty penny, but that’s nothing compared to what they can do for your organisation in return (but that’s only if you work with the right people when creating your explainer videos).

Smiling cartoon lion with finger guns pose

To make sure not a cent goes to waste, partner with Leon! and let’s make your mission come to life with entertaining animations. 

With us, you won’t have to worry about time or money. Leon! specialises in nonprofit videos, guaranteeing outstanding output–all for a reasonable price compared to freelancers and big studios.

Budget Comparisons

Just shoot us a message and we’ll be happy to extend our services


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A Statistical Analysis: Nonprofit Live Action vs. Animation Videos