Google Grants: Unlocking $10,000 Monthly for Nonprofits

Cartoon Lion holding sign about Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits

Google Grants for Nonprofits offers a powerful solution: $10,000 a month in Google Ads credit. This initiative can significantly boost your nonprofit's visibility and outreach efforts through text-based advertising on Google's vast search network. 

While it's noteworthy that video ads aren't included in this grant, the value of this opportunity cannot be overstated, especially for organizations aiming to make a substantial impact in their communities.

It's surprising that despite Google Grants offering $10,000 monthly in ad credit, many nonprofits aren't taking advantage.

With few views on informational videos and low subscriber counts on YouTube channels, we're using our blog to spotlight this opportunity and encourage more organizations to take advantage of this valuable resource.

What Are Google Grants?

Google Ad Grants logo with colorful hands raised

Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that provides eligible nonprofit organizations with up to $10,000 per month in advertising credits on Google Ads. 

Example of a text ad for renewable energy nonprofit

An example of a text ad (Disclaimer: not a real NPO)

This allows nonprofits to display text ads on Google search results pages, targeting potential supporters and spreading the word about their cause without the hefty price tag usually associated with such wide-reaching advertising efforts.

Eligibility and Exclusions

Google Grants who are eligible

Before diving into the benefits and application process, it's important to understand who can take advantage of this opportunity. 

Google Grants is specifically designed for nonprofit organizations, excluding government entities, healthcare organizations, and educational institutions. 

However, schools, universities, and healthcare organizations might find other Google for Nonprofits benefits suitable for their needs.

Getting Started with Google Grants

Google Grants getting started
  1. Check Eligibility: Visit to see if your organization qualifies for Google for Nonprofits, following the on-site questionnaire.

  2. Request an Account: Eligible organizations can proceed to request a Google for Nonprofits account, using the Google account associated with the organization.

  3. Verify Your Organization: Through TechSoup, Google will verify your nonprofit status. This involves providing your nonprofit ID, main email, website, and contact details. Verification can take a few weeks, after which you'll receive an email confirmation.

  4. Activate Ad Grants: Once verified, apply for Google Ad Grants within your Google for Nonprofits account. Your activation request will be reviewed, and upon approval, you'll receive an email with details on accessing your Ad Grants account.

  5. Fill Out the Eligibility Form: Complete the Ad Grants eligibility form with accurate information to help Google identify and support your organization.

  6. Finalize Your Grant: After completing the form, return to the Google for Nonprofits homepage to activate your grant. Google will review your submission within a few days, and you'll get an email invitation to your new Ad Grants account, along with instructions to accept a separate billing profile.

The Power of $10,000 in Google Ads

Annotated example of Google Ad Grant text ad

Imagine reaching thousands, if not millions, of potential supporters, volunteers, and donors every month. With $10,000 in Google Ads credits, nonprofits can:

  • Increase Visibility: Your ads appear right when people are searching for nonprofits like yours, making it easier to increase awareness and attract more visitors to your website.

  • Drive Engagement: Targeted advertising can help promote events, campaigns, and initiatives, encouraging more active participation from the community.

  • Boost Donations: By reaching a broader audience, nonprofits can potentially see an increase in donations, helping to fund their vital work.

How To Make the Most of Google Grants

While the prospect of $10,000 monthly advertising might sound alluring, maximizing this opportunity requires strategy. 

Here are some tips for effective Google Ads campaigns:

  • Focus on Quality Keywords: Select keywords that are highly relevant to your nonprofit and the services you provide. This ensures your ads are displayed to the right audience.

  • Create Compelling Ad Copy: Your text ads should be clear, engaging, and action-oriented, prompting users to click through to learn more about your organization or support your cause.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your ad performance and make adjustments as needed. Google Ads provides insights and data that can help refine your strategies for better results.

Good Ad vs Bad Ad

The 'GreenFuture Initiative' ad is an excellent example of clear, compelling ad copy that effectively communicates the nonprofit's mission and offers a straightforward call to action.

Conversely, the 'EcoWarriors United' ad is unfocused, trying to cover too many points, which can confuse and disengage potential supporters.

Applying these ad crafting principles can significantly enhance the impact of your nonprofit's campaigns, maximizing the benefit of the $10,000 Google Ads grant.

Leon! Animations Can Help You Out!

Navigating the Google Grants application might seem daunting, but it's a straightforward process aimed at empowering nonprofits like yours to achieve greater visibility and impact. 

At Leon! Animations, we're passionate about helping nonprofits thrive, not just through compelling video content but through every marketing avenue available.

Google Grants offers a fantastic opportunity to amplify your message and engage with a broader audience without the financial burden usually associated with large-scale advertising campaigns.

We're eager to help you navigate this opportunity. If your nonprofit is looking to make a more significant impact online, contact us. 

We'll guide you through getting started with Google Grants, ensuring you can make the most of this incredible $10,000 monthly advertising gift.

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