Explainer Videos for Non-Profits

We Help Charities, Hospitals, and NGOs Communicate Simply with Video

Explainer Videos for Nonprofits

We Help Charities, Hospitals and NGOs Communicate Simply with Video

Make your messages stick with Leon! Animations Non-Profit Animation Videos

Make Your Messages Stick!

Nonprofits trust Leon! to turn their complex messages into simple and engaging animations.

Our videos have a proven track record of delivering results for charities, healthcare and NGOs – from increasing donations and sign-ups to explaining complex ideas accessibly.

Our secret? We focus on simplicity, from the first spark of an idea to the video's final frame... we'll accompany you through the animation process.

Contact us today to see how we can help your nonprofit.


The UN Network on Migration

A 90-second video chronicling the UN Network's outstanding achievements in the last 5 years.

NHS MyChart App Campaign

Our video and poster campaign helped Guy's Hospital get 300,000+ signups for its new app.

iDiaspora Sign-up Campaign

Our video campaigns, in multiple languages, helped iDiaspora surpass their goal of 1,500 sign-ups.

IOM Humanitarian Framework

Our accessible video explains how diasporas can effectively coordinate responses to humanitarian disasters.

Oxleas NHS' Green Renewal

Sixty seconds explaining Goldie Leigh Hospital's plans to transform into a green, health-led neighbourhood.

IOM's 70th Anniversary Video

A 60-second video in three languages chronicling IOM's work with migrants from 1951 up until its incorporation into the UN.

"I Highly Recommend Leon!"

Leon!’s exceptionally high-quality videos helped us reach our target of 1,500 members, and we’re now getting closer to 2,000 users! I highly recommend Leon!
— Veronica Uribe-Kessler (iDiaspora)
veronica uribe kessler


Why Choose Leon! And Not Another Studio?

Leon! Animations is an easy, affordable process


Affordable and simple process.

Leon! Animations 10+ years experience in Non-Profit Animated Videos


10+ years making nonprofit videos.

Non-Profit Animation Videos that are effective and drive results


Videos that deliver results!

Every time we show the video to someone and see their ‘WOW!’ reaction, I realize how good it is and the enormous amount of work that was put into it.
— Felipe Cortes (UN Migration)

"WOW!" reaction

felipe cortes


4-Steps to Make Your Nonprofit Video a Success

engaging script writing on Non-Profit animated videos

1. Script

Craft a clear and engaging message with the help of our copywriting team.

storyboard bespoke graphics for nonprofit videos

2. Storyboard

Bring your message to life with bespoke graphics created by our illustrators.

Non-Profit Animated Video Voiceover Work

3. Voiceover

Choose the perfect voiceover artist and music from a range of options.

Worldclass animation for Non-Profits

4. Animation

Produce an attention-grabbing video with our expert team by your side from start to finish.

A "Masterpiece"

Leon! you have created a masterpiece of simplicity and beauty... write anything you like as a testimony from me.
— Lord Saatchi (Centre for Policy Studies)
Portrait of Lord Saatchi


Tell us about your nonprofit’s video idea, and we’ll roar back with a quote ASAP!